Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Side Effects

In an earlier article, I have elaborated on the possible legal solutions one can consider when handling cases or suffering from mesothelioma or asbestos cancer. In this article, I shall briefly discuss other forms of situations or occasions one maybe exposed to potential side effects, giving cause to such cancer.

We maybe aware that certain occupations will expose particular groups of people to mesothelioma or asbestos poisoning. Generally such cancers occur as a result of constant exposure or inhalation of fine particles of certain asbestos materials. Common trades include those working in the construction and renovation industry, factories supplying asbestos materials to related industries, and so on. Although regulations have already been passed to ban the use of asbestos in most countries, there are still certain states or countries that choose to ignore such regulations, at the risk of their workers' health. Those that choose to comply have already begun switching to other forms of similar property materials, other than asbestos.

What is mentioned above is of direct concern to those involved in trades that have first hand exposure to asbestos. However, one should also be concerned even if you are only a end user of such materials in your homes of workplace.

As time goes by, any form of material will deteriorate. Wall paint will being to lose its color or peel off, metal fixtures may begin to rust as a result of oxidation, and even plastic items may begin to turn moldy due to temperature variances depending on its intended use. Likewise, users of asbestos products can expect their ceiling boards or wall partitions to deteriorate as well.

While this may appear to be common sense knowledge (now that we look at the behaviour of other materials), there are a surprising number of people out there who aren't aware of such characteristics! And over the years, those occupants who work or live in such premises utilizing asbestos materials may not even be aware of the daily constant exposure to such deterioration.

Think about it: if such materials are really that safe to handle and work with, why are the workers handling and assembling asbestos boards in your vicinity provided with face masks and gloves. It's to minimize their exposure during the installation process! If that's the case, why aren't end users required to put on face masks when they are surrounded by asbestos material? See the logic?

Having said that, are you provided with the necessary level of protection if your organization is in the construction and renovation trade? Is your company trying to reduce its cost exposure by cutting back on the necessary personal protective equipment?

As discussed above, regardless of which side of the spectrum you are currently at, everyone needs to know the risks and potential exposure involved in asbestos environment. Just remember that at the end of the day, we should not be ignorant of potential resources and avenues available to us in ensuring our personal well being.

Remember this: you owe it to yourself to work and live in a safe and asbestos free environment. And if this is not the case presented to you, you have every option and right to seek the relevant solutions to these mesothelioma and asbestos problems.

(Note: readers must be aware that the views expressed above are those of the author and should not be considered as legal advice or grounds to pursue legal judgement. Visit our website to find out more on mesothelioma and asbestos solutions.)

Gary is currently pursuing his MBA and has been involved in the area of homeland security, and knows pretty well the types of occupation hazard one comes across in the line of duty of any job. For more information on mesothelioma assistance, do visit this link

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How Asbestos Lawyers Can Provide You The Best Mesothelioma Aid

Suffering from malignant mesothelioma also means suffering from the pain it causes and the financial burden it also entails. This grave illness, which is often mistaken as lung cancer or another type of respiratory illness, affects those who have been exposed to airborne asbestos fibers which have been produced through crushing asbestos.

Companies are the ones to blame for those who have acquired mesothelioma cancer as they were already aware of what asbestos fibers can cause when inhaled. Companies continued to use the material at the expense of their workers because asbestos was a cheap and effective material that can help them earn more profit.

Asbestos Lawsuits

Asbestos lawsuits are being filed by those who suffer from malignant mesothelioma due to their exposure to asbestos. These people are commonly the employees of companies that still continue the use of this harmful material even if they have already known what ill effects they can provide.

Asbestos lawsuits can be filed by those who have acquired mesothelioma cancer due to their employer's neglect. Through filing a claim, you will be able to get the proper compensation for the suffering and the financial burdens it has caused you.

Filing a lawsuit can help you a lot in terms of easing the hardships caused by falling ill due to other's neglect. These claims, which can be properly filed with the help of a competitive mesothelioma attorney, can award you with the right compensation needed to enable you to acquire the best mesothelioma relief possible.

How a Mesothelioma Attorney Can Help

When filing a claim, having the best attorney to help you is extremely crucial. You should choose an attorney that already has experience in successfully trying asbestos and mesothelioma related cases so that you'll get a higher chance of getting the compensation you need.

In choosing the best attorney, following these guidelines can help a lot in ensuring a successful trial:

The lawyer should have enough experience when it comes to trying mesothelioma and asbestos related cases. A legal portfolio can be the best proof you can ask for.

Looking for a lawyer that focuses mainly on asbestos related cases will require more time than searching for generalists. Make sure you allot enough time and effort so that you get to choose the best mesothelioma attorney available.

As much as possible, choose a lawyer that has handled cases that are a lot similar to yours. This will greatly improve your chance of success. Schedule a meeting for consultation. This will help you determine whether the lawyer is indeed the best for you. You can also ask questions related to asbestos lawyers that can help you get enlightened.

By finding the best lawyers to help you handle your mesothelioma case, you will be guaranteed of acquiring the compensation you need and get the best relief for malignant mesothelioma available.

It is important that you know all about mesothelioma or asbestos lawyers to gain enough knowledge on how to properly file claims. provides you with all of the information you need about mesothelioma.

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Legal Advice Asbestos-Related Cases

The best option you have when fighting for the injustice of asbestos exposure is to get legal advice. But it is not only an issue of fighting for justice, it is also an issue of fighting for your life.

Many people who have been exposed to high degrees of asbestos are never able to do anything until their dying day, because they do not know where to go and who are the right people to approach. This is a very sad case and a very improper one.

If you think that there are people who are responsible for your asbestos-related diseases, it is best that you seek legal advice and bring your case to the court of law. Anyone who has strong claims against people or companies that caused the exposure to asbestos and its consequential damages, injuries and losses, is entitled to due compensation. And only the right professionals will be able to help you.

Maybe it is not really about the money for there are quite a lot of reasons why people file asbestos and personal injury law suits. But really, one of the triggering factors why people seek legal advice for asbestos is to have their losses compensated.

The average compensation for asbestos law suit when it is brought to full trial is $6 million. This varies depending on the strength of the case, the reputation of the lawyer/s, the number of incidences, the presentation of the case along with many other reasons. If a lawsuit is filed in groups, the odds of raising the compensation are higher.

Of course, even hiring the top lawyer in your state cannot guarantee a victory. But if you have a very strong case and you choose to seek full trial, you have a better chance of higher compensation. But there are some conditions that determine this scenario.

You must be able to prove that the accused party is the really the prime cause of your asbestos exposure. If you have worked for a company that makes use of asbestos in high degrees and your lawyers can establish the fact that this body is the consequential reason for your losses and damages, then you are likely to have a strong case.

You must also be able to gather evidence that relates the accused in your exposure to asbestos. If you have exact details that will not sway in validity during trial then you are likely to win the lawsuit.

You must also be able to get a well-renowned firm or personal injury lawyer/s to deal with your case as this, as we have mentioned earlier, is one of the main reason why some asbestos law suits win and some do not. Normally, attorneys and law firms who have made a name in this field are those who have proven their mettle. They are also the ones who can the best legal advices as they are more experienced in the field of personal injury laws and lawsuits.

Getting legal advice on asbestos is the best thing you can do when wanting to get compensated for your damages and losses. A legal advisor will inform you of the possibilities of losing or winning the case. It will also help you distinguish whether it is better to opt for a settlement or bring the case to full trial. A legal advicor will guide you through the entire process and attorneys will represent you in your behalf as well as in maximizing the possibilities of getting fair compensation. Lawyers will be the ones to negotiate the price and they will be the people to handle the control for you in accordance with your choices.

The laws also have assurances to back up your best interests. Laws were created to compensate victims of asbestos exposure through certain companies and people.

Not all firms and lawyers can bring your case into the court of aw. You have to choose from a number of personal injury, asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers who will seek what is best for your rights and needs. They are the ones specializing in cases like these and they would give higher probabilities on winning your case.

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Mesothelioma Lawyers or Attorney and Mesothelioma Research

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer contracted by the inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers. The fibers in asbestos cause tumors in the lung and/or abdominal lining which, like any other form of cancer, is ultimately fatal unless treated properly. The common causes of death are internal bleeding or hemorrhage from the tumors, or cardiac arrest from the buildup of bodily fluids secreted by the body's immune system in an attempt to combat the tumors.

A majority of those people who contract mesothelioma are in their middle to late years in life, since the symptoms manifest only after 20 to 50 years after exposure. For this reason, the number of cases of diagnosed mesothelioma patients has been steadily growing, due to the fact that asbestos was mainly in use for most industrial work during the 1970s and 1980s.

To help the afflicted victims of asbestos induced cancer, certain law firms and lawyers have begun to specialize in cases of mesothelioma. More often than not, companies in the past were aware of the adverse effects of asbestos fibers on the human body, yet failed to take proper precaution with their workers.

In cases like these, the injured patients are assisted by the lawyers or firms in finding out exactly (or approximately) when and from which source they contracted mesothelioma. A properly presented and defended case can bring in millions of dollars by way of compensation for the injured parties.

Aside from work related cases, there have also been cases where careless demolition of houses and buildings which had asbestos in the foundations and walls (in an attempt at fireproofing) were also revealed to introduce large quantities of airborne asbestos fibers which causes nearby residents mesothelioma. Again, these cases can be traced by these law firms and won in a court of law with proper presentation.

Then there are also law firms which specialize in malpractise suits against doctors which used "alternative" (meaning unproven) methods of treatment for mesothelioma. The common accepted method of treating mesothelioma is to use heat/laser surgery and chemotherapy in tandem to burn out the tumors without damaging the healthy body cells. The alternative methods include medicines to boost the body's immune and regenerative systems as well as alternative diets and exercise.

Classic tumor removal surgery for cancer is actually ineffective against mesothelioma, and has led to patents dying after an apparently successful operation. The maximum life span after an operation is set at around 5 years. Again, conducting regular surgery to treat mesothelioma can also lead to a malpractise suit.

Another type of law suit that mesothelioma law firms and lawyers can pursue is negligence. While not as severe as a malpractise suit, it can still be damaging to a doctor's career and can bring in a fairly decent amount in compensation if the case is won.

The reason for this type of case is that mesothelioma symptoms are actually quite similar in nature to any number of relatively harmless disorders, including common old age maladies, asthma, and indigestion. When these regular treatments fail, a good doctor should recommend an x ray, and these will reveal the presence of tumors in the lungs or stomach. Some doctors, however, will simply write off the current treatments as ineffective and prescribe another set of medicines instead of choosing an x ray, and this leads to the true problem being undiagnosed.

These are some of the major common cases handled by mesothelioma lawyers and law firms, and their credo is to help their clients find justice against the parties which have wronged them. While they cannot directly do anything to cure the mesothelioma, they can at least see to it that justice is served and compensation for the injury is recovered, and the money gained from the law suits can go a long way towards helping their clients get proper treatment.

Lastly, it is advised by mesothelioma lawyers that as soon as a person is diagnosed with it they contact a lawyer as soon as possible, since there is a short statute of limitations for filing a case of mesothelioma. The lawyers can then proceed to do their initial research to determine if the injured party has a solid case and enough evidence to make a successful claim in a court of law. If the answer is yes, then a case can be filed and everything proceeds from there.

For more complete information on mesothelioma please go to:

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Mesothelioma Lung Cancer - Asbestos Lawyers, Attorneys & Lawsuits

Mesothelioma is a rare but deadly type of cancer usually caused by exposure to asbestos or asbestos-containing products. The mesothelium is a thin mucous membrane that covers most major organs, and provides the moisture the organs need to move properly. Lubrication allows organs to move in order to circulate blood in the heart, or infuse it with oxygen in the lungs, or process food properly in the gastrointestinal tract.

There are several different kinds of mesothelioma, but by far the most common is pleural, or lung-related mesothelioma. As asbestos enters the body through respiration, the microscopic shards pierce the lungs and lodge in the delicate pleural mesothelium. The shards irritate and fester in the mesothelium, and over time will most likely develop into mesothelioma. Most cases of this cancer take decades before any symptoms begin to appear, but by the time they manifest they are too advanced to treat.

Other kinds of mesothelioma include pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the lining around the stomach and digestive tract; and pericardial mesothelioma that affects the lining of the sac that contains the heart. Most mesothelioma prognoses are not positive; victims rarely live longer than five years after their first diagnosis, and most succumb between six and 12 months.

Many experts call mesothelioma the "silent epidemic", because virtually every person in the United States has been exposed to asbestos at some point in time. Asbestos is naturally heat and flame resistant, pliable, durable, and was made into everything from baby's clothing to brake pads to insulation to potting ceramics. Many of the current victims of the mesothelioma epidemic worked in or around military installations, as asbestos was a critical part of shipbuilding and other large scale manufacturing industries, but mesothelioma can strike anyone of any age.

Part of the tragedy of mesothelioma is that many asbestos companies or industries that used the material refused to acknowledge it is dangerous. Civilizations around the world used asbestos for thousands of years, and even peoples as early as the ancient Romans knew that people who worked with the mineral died of lung ailments. Even into the 20th and 21st century these companies denied or covered up the evidence that linked their product to not only mesothelioma, but lung cancer and asbestosis as well.

In order to address the mounting concerns about the legacy of asbestos, Senator Arlen Specter proposed a bill that would remove the ability of victims of mesothelioma to pursue legal settlements against the companies or industries that may be responsible. The government expects thousands of new cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases in the years to come, and so the bill will establish a $140 billion trust to compensate victims or their families. Ostensibly, this is to relieve the stress on the courts of thousands of lawsuits, but it in fact would severely limit the amount of financial restitution the companies would owe their victims. Furthermore it would disallow many types of asbestos suits, and would potentially extend legal proceedings far beyond the expected lifespan of the people afflicted with this deadly disease.

To learn more about hiring a mesothelioma lawyer or filing a mesothelioma lawsuit, please visit our website at This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box stays intact and all links remain active as hyperlinks.

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Tips to Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer

Choosing a mesothelioma lawyer to represent you in your lawsuit is something which has to be done with utmost care. The success of the case filed depends primarily on the lawyer and the patient's situation. Hence you should have complete satisfaction regarding the lawyer before hiring him. You should feel confident that he has the experience and knowledge to represent you very well. In fact, your attorney should be your trusted partner who understands your health needs and is always supportive, thoughtful and compassionate.

You should have an idea about the track record of the firm in handling mesothelioma cases, the kind of verdicts obtained, whether in the case of an appeal they would dedicate ample time and efforts needed etc. Even if you prefer an out of court settlement, a strong trial record will come to the aid of the firm to achieve a good compensation. Establishing the link between one's illness and asbestos exposure is a difficult and time consuming job.

A diagnosis of mesothelioma can be devastating for the victim and the family. In such cases the victim has every right to ask why he was not forewarned of the dangers of asbestos. Even a grieving family member or the executor of the will of a person who has died from the disease is eligible to file a claim. The initial shock of asbestos related illness would be so great that legal details will be the last thing that someone wants to face. But it should also be remembered that taking advantage of the legal rights can bring relief from financial crisis as well as pay off the huge medical bills.

Mainly three types of mesothelioma are there - Pleural mesothelioma affecting the coverings of the lungs, Pericardial mesothelioma, destroying the covering of the heart and Peritoneal mesothelioma, ruining the covering of the abdominal organs. Lawyers who specialize in fighting the case for the victims of each form of cancer are available now. It is good to contact the concerned lawyer for a speedy compensation. The speed of the case also depends on the state you were living and working when you came into asbestos or related products. Your age, earning capacity and the number of identifiable defendants that still exist will determine the value of the case.

The lawyers can act as knowledgeable guides regarding doctors and other treatment options available. It should also be remembered that there is time restriction for filing the suite. It can vary from state to state. But the time starts from the day of diagnosis. The caring, friendly attention of the experienced lawyer can go along way to cope up with the disease and lessen the damage it can cause to the financial security of the family. Hence you must make sure to contact the right law firm which has experience, track record and reputation in the legal community.

If you are looking for a Mesothelioma Lawyer then feel free to visit Asbestos Cancer.

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Have You Been Exposed to Toxic Asbestos?

Although we now know that asbestos is a human carcinogen, it was once embraced as a wonderful insulating material that was added to a number of different materials. Thus, many people were exposed to the toxin without realizing it. Additionally, older buildings can still contain asbestos today despite the dangers. If you suspect that you have been exposed to toxic asbestos, you may want to talk to a doctor about tests for early cancer detection.

The reason why some asbestos is considered toxic is that not all asbestos is friable. Friable means that the asbestos is able to flake off into microscopic pieces that you can inhale or ingest. Some asbestos is non-friable, meaning that it is so bound up into another material that it cannot escape and permeate your body.

Once you inhale or ingest asbestos, the problem is that your body is unable to break down and process the fibers to get rid of them. The fibers can become lodged in your throat, esophagus, lungs, digestive system, and even kidneys. Here, your body may form nodules of tissue around the fibers. These nodules can turn into cancerous tumors or scar tissue.

There are some people who are more at risk than others for suffering from asbestos exposure. People who worked in the construction industry, including plumbers and electricians, were probably surrounded by asbestos since it was utilized in everything from insulation to vinyl flooring to ceiling tiles. Additionally, automotive workers are especially at risk for asbestos inhalation and ingestion because it is a component in brake pads and shoes. Brake friction can cause the asbestos to become friable, so that when the auto technician changes the brake pads or shoes, they release clouds of asbestos fibers into the air.

Also, those who worked in the shipping industry or shipyard construction may have been exposed to this toxin. Veterans, especially those who spent time on ships, are prone to developing asbestos-related diseases. Interestingly, teachers are also at risk for developing lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-caused disorders. This is because older school buildings were often built using asbestos. When teachers spend almost every day in the building, they can gradually take in more and more asbestos.

Sadly, some people are more affected by asbestos than others. This explains why women or families whose provider worked in careers that exposed them to asbestos can also develop asbestos-related diseases. Even the particles left over on clothing can trigger cancer.

If you or someone you know has developed an asbestos-related disorder, such as mesothelioma, you should contact an asbestos attorney about your rights. For more information regarding your case, talk to a Williams Kherkher asbestos lawyer today.

Joseph Devine

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Secondhand Asbestos Exposure

The lungs are composed of very sensitive tissue that can be scarred from exposure to toxins, even indirectly. Just as dust from coal miners' clothing can blacken the lungs of family members, and secondhand smoke from cigarettes causes even more damage than primary smoke, researchers are discovering that asbestos has the same dangerous secondhand effect.

Initially, many people believed that it was primarily men who were susceptible to asbestos-related health issues. This is because traditional careers that handled asbestos, such as construction workers, pipe fitters, electricians, plumbers, and other construction, shipping, and automotive industry jobs went to men instead of women.

The reason that asbestos had such an all-encompassing reach to many different industries is due to its number of helpful characteristics. Asbestos is a member of the silicate family of minerals. Silicates tend to have highly insulating properties. For instance, silicates are resistant to heat, flame, chemicals, and electricity. Additionally, it is not very susceptible to biodegradation. Also, asbestos itself is known for its high tensile strength and flexibility, which adds to its appeal.

Sadly, though, we now know that asbestos is a human carcinogen. Besides mesothelioma and lung, colorectal, throat, esophageal, gastrointestinal, and kidney cancers, it has also been linked to asbestosis, pleural effusions, and pleural plaques. Thankfully, it has been mostly banned or at least phased out. However, many people were exposed to asbestos before the ban in the late 1980s came into effect. We are learning that a surprising number of women were exposed to asbestos as well.

The problem with asbestos is that it is able to break into microscopic fibers that cling to clothing, hair, and shoes, which can then be taken home. When the clothing is disturbed, such as taken off for the laundry, the particles can be stirred into the air where people at home can be exposed to asbestos. Additionally, some people are more sensitive to asbestos than others, so even a simple "welcome home" hug could transfer asbestos fibers from a man's clothing to his wife. Because the rate of women diagnosed with mesothelioma is increasing, researchers think that this secondhand, home exposure is the cause.

Now, workers who may come into contact with asbestos, such as construction workers who do renovation projects, should always wear protective clothing that is left at work and laundered in well-regulated area or thrown away. This way, it can protect the people left at home form accidental, secondhand asbestos exposure.

Asbestos exposure can result in fatal diseases, such as mesothelioma. If you or someone you know has developed an asbestos-related disease, you should speak to an attorney about your options. For more information, check out the asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers from Williams Kherkher today.

Joseph Devine

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Getting Legal Help for an Asbestos Related Injury

Asbestos is a material that was widely used in a range of everyday items up until the late 1970s and early 1980s. Millions of people were exposed to this material on a daily basis, but those exposed to the highest levels were people that worked with asbestos in one form or another. The risks concerning asbestos related injury are now more widely recognized; however, in the past people that worked with asbestos were oblivious to the dangers of this substance. It is thought, however, that many of the companies and manufacturers linked to asbestos were aware of the dangers from as early as the 1920s, and that they continued to let people suffer asbestos related injuries by allowing them to work with asbestos without the necessary protection or warnings.

Asbestos is now linked with a range of injuries and diseases. Some asbestos related injuries that can be sustained through unprotected exposure to this material include: pleural effusion, pleural plaques, rounded atelectasis, asbestosis, and pleural thickening. But perhaps the most worrying - and deadliest - effect of exposure to asbestos is mesothelioma. Malignant mesothelioma is a form of cancer that can start in the lungs, abdomen, or the cavities around the heart. This cancer can reduce the victim's lifespan to a matter of months, and can result directly from exposure to asbestos.

One unique thing about this particular asbestos related injury is that it can take a very long time for the sufferer to realize that he or she has been affected. Mesothelioma has a latency period of several decades, which means that it could take thirty years or more for symptoms to manifest. Those suffering from asbestos related injury are entitled to claim for compensation. However, because of the long latency period associated with mesothelioma, some people assume that they will not be able to get compensation because, after all these years, they have no idea where or when they may have been exposed to asbestos.

A good and experience mesothelioma lawyer will be accustomed to dealing with asbestos related injuries, and will be able to investigate the matter of your behalf. Many specialist mesothelioma lawyers will employ the services of an investigator - at their own cost - to determine where and when your asbestos related injuries were sustained. All you need to do is be as frank and honest with the lawyer as possible, and he or she can then work towards obtaining the information required in relation to your asbestos related injury, enabling you to file a lawsuit against the appropriate parties.

In order to determine where and when your asbestos related injury was sustained, your lawyer will need time. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to seek legal assistance at the earliest opportunity. Taking early action with regards to getting a mesothelioma lawyer will buy you and your lawyer valuable time, and will increase the chances of your lawyer being able to investigate your asbestos related injury quickly and efficiently. offers listings of experienced mesothelioma attorneys and law firms as well as asbestos injury help and mesothelioma information and articles. For additional asbestos and mesothelioma information visit

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Mesothelioma Asbestos Lawyer - A History of a Malignant Industry and How to Receive Compensation

The history of asbestos dates back to around 2000 thousands years ago. However, it may surprise you to know that the dangers of asbestos have been known as far back as the Roman empire, when it was linked to lung disease in the slaves that were forced to mine the mineral for commercial use.

In more recent history, in 1918, the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics published a report that linked the deaths of asbestos workers to the inhalation of asbestos.

Then in 1924, a 33 year old woman named Nellie Kershaw died from the world's first diagnosis of asbestosis in the UK. She worked in an asbestos plant for the world's largest asbestos conglomerate named Turner & Newall (T&N). T&N denied any responsibility or compensation. Decades later, documents at the Manchester Metropolitan University exposed the scandalous fact that T&N had known all along that asbestos was a lethal carcinogen.

Despite the known dangers of asbestos, the asbestos industry exploded all around the world, peaking in the 1970's at over 5 million tons/year. Today, the world is still producing over 2 million tons/year even after its use has been banned in over 60 countries around the world.

So why was asbestos used on such a widespread global basis when it was a known fact that it was toxic. The answer is profits. Asbestos is a deadly but amazing mineral that has incredible physical properties that allow for its use as a light weight fire retardant material.

Since the lethal nature of asbestos was public knowledge by the 1930's it has been proven in court that corporations knew of the deadly nature of asbestos and still willingly exposed the public and their employees to it. Many victims of asbestos have received compensation for their medical bills, lost wages and other expenses. On February 27, 2008, one of the largest court settlements was awarded in New Jersey. The amount of $30.3 million was awarded to the widow and three daughters of Mark Buttitta from General Motors. The interesting fact about this case was that Mr. Buttitta claimed his exposure to asbestos was from his father and brother who brought home asbestos contaminated clothing from their jobs at General Motors.

There is a massive legal industry that is growing to obtain compensation for mesothelioma patients. Many legal precedents have been set in courts around the world which make it much easier to prove that employers knew of the dangers surrounding asbestos exposure. It is relatively easy to find a lawyer in your area that specializes in mesothelioma litigation especially if you live in a big city. Simply use a Google search and type in something like,"mesothelioma lawyer New York". Your visit to the lawyer will more than likely be short lived as most mesothelioma lawyers will be respectful of your health and emotional challenges and will do all that they can to handle the case with as little of your time as possible.

Paul Folkmann is a mesothelioma cancer researcher. To learn more about mesothelioma and how to receive compensation, visit: Mesothelioma Oracle. There you will also find information on mesothelioma treatments, stories of hope, and the latest news.

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OSHA and Modern Asbestos Regulations

The use of asbestos for relatively modern industrial purposes dates back over a century, though partial knowledge of its dangers has existed for thousands of years. Despite concerns raised by medical doctors and scientists in the early 20th century, the asbestos industry avoided serious regulation for decades. Though laws like the Clean Air Act of 1970 did help reduce the use of asbestos , obstacles to stricter regulation were present as late as the 1990s, when an appeals court struck down an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation known as the Asbestos Ban and Phase Out rule. As a result, asbestos-containing products are used and produced even today.

Today, asbestos use and exposure is regulated by several government agencies, including the EPA and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, otherwise known as OSHA.

Though virtually anyone can be exposed to asbestos, workers in industries such as construction, mining, and shipbuilding are particularly at risk. Furthermore, the families of these workers are also at risk from secondary exposure if precautionary measures are not taken.

According to OSHA, steps which can be taken to prevent excessive exposure to asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) include:

- Limiting the time that workers spend working with or around ACMs

- Separating asbestos-heavy areas from the majority of the workforce

- Installing effective ventilation systems in and around ACMs

- Providing workers with approved protective gear and clothing

- Providing workers with showers to remove asbestos after work

- Educating workers and administrators about the dangers of ACMs

Asbestos and Mesothelioma

Exposure to asbestos, even in small amounts and over a short period of time, can cause a deadly cancer known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer which attacks the mesothelial lining of the lungs, heart, chest, and abdominal cavity, and it is almost always associated with ACMs. In some cases, mesothelioma can take years to show up after exposure to asbestos, but can often kill within 6-12 months of diagnosis.

Though OSHA has set a limit of 100,000 fibers per cubic meter of workplace air, some experts contend that there is no such thing as a "safe" threshold of exposure, and advocate that the United States follow the example of other countries that have banned the use of asbestos entirely.

For more information on mesothelioma, visit the website of mesothelioma lawyers Williams Kherkher at

Joseph Devine

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Lawyer and Mesothelioma and Dallas - How to Get One When You Need One?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer or a disease process that begins when an abnormal cell is transformed by the genetic mutation of the cellular DNA and a cancerous cell develops in the area. This abnormal cell forms a clone and begins to proliferate abnormally, ignoring growth-regulating signals in the environment surrounding the cell. The cells acquire invasive characteristics, and changes occur in surrounding tissues.

Although mesothelioma affects every age group, most cases occur in people older than 50 years of age or those who have been exposed to asbestos for quite a long time. Overall, the incidence of mesothelioma is higher in men than in women and higher in industrialized sectors and nations, where asbestos is frequently used in building infrastructures.

Asbestos is the number one factor that causes mesothelioma. The term mesothelioma is taken from the word mesothelium, a protective thin sheet that covers the internal organs of the body, such as the lungs. When a person inhales asbestos, "glass-like" particles stick in the lungs, which eventually results to respiratory complications. After which, this develops cancerous cells.

More than 7,000 Americans have already been diagnosed and died from 1990 through 2001 with mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is second only to cardiovascular disease as a leading cause of death for industry workers in the United States. Each year, more than 1,000 Americans die of a malignant process.

Since most mesothelioma patients are working in the industries where exposure to asbestos is relatively high, experts deem it necessary to provide legal assistance to patients in order to obtain the right compensation. Lawyers and mesothelioma experts work hand in hand to bring out the best of everything in spite of the dilemma. Legal experts say that employers are accountable for the health and safety of their employees. Hence, they believe that mesothelioma patients should be given due reparations.

In Dallas, mesothelioma lawyers are especially skilled individuals who support the cases of people who have been detected with the disease. With this, they create a well thought-out case for damages. Lawyers for mesothelioma patients in Dallas work hard to identify feasible means of rewarding substantial financial support.

However, not all lawyers for mesothelioma cases in Dallas were created equal. They may all sound the same but they are varying vastly from one another. In fact, experts say that choosing a lawyer for mesothelioma cases in Dallas is a very personal choice. It is imperative that you should feel good about the person representing you in court. That is why it is important that you find the best lawyer for your mesothelioma case.

To do that, you must learn to identify the factors you need in a lawyer for mesothelioma case in Dallas.

1. Investigate

Before choosing a lawyer for mesothelioma case in Dallas, it is best that you investigate well. This would include making background checks about the lawyer. There are so many lawyers in Dallas and anyone can claim his or her expertise when it comes to mesothelioma cases.

By investigating, you should be able to identify if that lawyer is already an expert in mesothelioma-related cases. The length of time needed in handling the case is good enough to prove expertise; frequency of handling such cases are important as well.

2. Knows mesothelioma cases by heart

To get a good side on the case, you must have a good mesothelioma lawyer with you. Lawyers for mesothelioma cases in Dallas know what it means when they really have to do their job.

Skilled lawyers for mesothelioma cases in Dallas know the complex quality of the privileges and reimbursements. In this way, they will be able to give you the best advices regarding claims and benefits in connection to the gravity of your case.

3. Find a "no win, no pay" lawyer

Hiring the services of a lawyer for mesothelioma cases in Dallas can be very expensive. No wonder why many people with mesothelioma die without being able to reimburse or claim benefits due to them.

However, some lawyers are willing to render their services and propose a "no win, no pay" policy. In this way, patients do not have to pay anything if they lose the case; once you are able to get your damages, they will receive with whatever percentage you have agreed.

All of these things boil down to the fact that hiring the services of mesothelioma lawyers is important so you can get the right claims for you. However, hiring the right lawyer is far more important than anything else is.

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Mesothelioma Asbestos Lawyer - Why You Need a Specialist

Although the term mesothelioma asbestos lawyer has no meaning in the traditional legal sense, it is the term for an attorney who makes a specialty of handling litigation concerning victims of the disease called malignant mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer of the mesothelium, or the protective lining that surrounds a lot of internal organs of the body, particularly the lungs. While not solely caused by a single agent, mesothelioma is most commonly brought on by long term contact with the mineral asbestos.

Asbestos is a term used to describe one of six distinct fibrous minerals which have long been employed in industry as both an insulator and a fire retardant. While the minerals are perfectly suited to those uses, their fibers are small, razor-sharp, and easily inhaled by humans. The sharp fibers can puncture tissues within the body and remain there for decades. Mesothelioma does not grow quickly; the elapsed time between exposure and onset of the condition can range from 15 to fifty years, with an average of 32. Mesothelioma treatments are few and the prospects for people who are diagnosed with the condition is poor.

Lawsuits have been successfully brought against asbestos producers and corporations that have used asbestos in construction since the early part of the last century. It has been estimated that some 800,000 individuals have so far brought suit for asbestos exposure and consequently, quite a few companies, have gone out of business, including Manville Corporation, which filed for bankruptcy in 1982.

A lawsuit against asbestos producers is complicated and lengthy. A lawyer with a general practice is probably not well inclined or well-suited to accepting a possible lawsuit concerning asbestos cancer. Such legal action may take years and may include hundreds or even thousands of man-hours of study. Attorneys who don't specialize in asbestos law may find themselves overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done to bring this kind of case to court. Lawyers who are experts in handling such cases on a fulltime basis are the best bet for everyone who has been subjected to asbestos and is considering either bringing or participating in an asbestos cancer lawsuit. A mesothelioma asbestos lawyer will be knowledgeable about case histories, previous lawsuits, established precedents, and other factors that may \help speed up the situation as well as being in a more suitable position to organize for a possible asbestos cancer settlement for the plaintiff.

Such cases have, in come cases, resulted in substantial settlements for the plaintiffs. The first significant mesothelioma settlement took place in 1982, and the injured party, James Cavett, was awarded almost $4 million in compensation.

For extra info regarding mesothelioma attorneys and mesothelioma settlements, please check the hyperlinks below.

Click here for assistance in an an asbestos lawyer []

Click here for more information about Mesothelioma symptoms []

Perry Monkhouse is an Internet marketer with years of experience. He has written articles on a wide variety of topics.

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Mesothelioma - A Gold Mine For Asbestos Lawyers

It is said that a lawyer will go through any lengths to win a case; well here is something that will prove it right. Suing someone for negligence is growing popularity all over the world and today you will find many law firms striking it rich and at times they even make a killing of it. With the modern times people and companies are being sued left, right and center for any mishap, danger or damage that they may have committed, whether it was intentionally or un-intentionally carried out.

One such popular case are the asbestos lawsuits, where lawyers take on companies that have caused damaged to the health of the people that they have employed in the past years.

Mesothelioma as we all know is a sort of cancer disease that affects the membrane of vital organs in our body. These organs tend to accumulate cancer cells through the inhaling of asbestos fibers for a long period of time, which can be detected only after 20 to 30 years and at times even 40 plus. Eventually when mesothelioma would be detected, the cancer would have fully grown and reached a severe stage where tremendous treatments would be administered which would be absurdly expensive. In addition in some cases it would even provide a short period of time for the sufferer before they kick the bucket.

Taking the above into consideration many asbestos lawyers have found that it would be easy to sue companies for their negligence in not informing their staff about the inhaling of asbestos fibers regularly for a long period of time. In addition they also have a case against these companies for not providing the right gear to protect them from the same.

These lawyers consider the following aspects when filing asbestos lawsuits:

(A) Whether Information and education of health hazards that may be caused to an individual when coming in contact with asbestos lawsuits material was informed to the individual

(B) The condition and stage of the cancer

(C) Proper compensation for being in an unhealthy situation that has risen from point mentioned above

(D) Medical and other related expenses that are involved in the treatment

Before filing the case in court these asbestos lawyers will make out a thorough study as to how the exposure occurred, tracing various factors like how long was the patient working for the firm and on what projects. In addition they would be interested in the materials that they had come in contact with along with list of other workers and so on. The medical history and if other workers too suffered the same way than all this would be vital to build and make the case stronger so it stands up in court.

With regards to a patient it is advisable to select good asbestos lawyers that have complete knowledge and experience in this field. If in doubt and need to get the right answers about professional asbestos lawyers, then log onto

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Hiring a Mesothelioma Attorney Or Asbestos Lawyer

The 3000 people who are afflicted with Mesothelioma cannot simply recover from the disease. A deadly form of cancer, Mesothelioma is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. Usually, this exposure has come from working for companies who failed to forewarn employees about exposure to asbestos the risks to their health and lifespan. If you or your family member is fighting Mesothelioma, finding the help of a Mesothelioma lawyer is probably the last thing on your mind. However, it may be just the thing you need.

The knowledge and guidance of a Mesothelioma lawyer is vital if you and your family want to secure the monetary compensation you deserving for your pain and suffering. Many Mesothelioma lawyers specialize in asbestos cases and have vast experience in dealing with these kinds of suits. They are skilled in advising you about what you should do to get the settlement or claim that you are due.

What Does a Mesothelioma Diagnosis Mean?

After you have received your Mesothelioma diagnosis and the cancer has been noted as malignant, you may have little time left. The approach of doctors is geared more toward pain management than significant reversal because there are so few options for treatment. The best strategy is to hire a Mesothelioma lawyer to help you and our loved ones get the compensation you deserve. You attorney will let you know if you are eligible to file an asbestos lawsuit. The tragedy of Mesothelioma is the sheer numbers of lifelong workers who helped to build this country and who have to suffer with this cancer.

Hiring a Mesothelioma Lawyer

The common sense assumption for asbestos claims is that if those who are afflicted had been informed, they never would have chosen to work for the companies where they spent their lives employed. Many companies knew the dangers of asbestos exposure and knew the chemical was present in the dust of these workplaces. Their willful withholding of information placed employees in the devastating position of risking their lives. Hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer to get compensation for that negligence is not an added expense. You simply file the claim, and you are on the way to getting the financial assistance that you need.

Who is Exposed to Asbestos?

The list of workers exposed to asbestos is long and far-reaching. Some of those workers include asbestos textile workers, engineers in shipyards and all ship workers, insulation workers, demolition workers, construction workers who have worked on steel and pipe filters, auto mechanics, and U.S. military and navy dockworkers.

Thank you for taking the time to read my Article! Please visit Hire Mesothelioma Lawyer site for more information.

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The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act

Although even ancient Greeks and Romans noted the ill health effects that were associated with asbestos exposure, it was not until the 1970s that people began to call for an asbestos ban in the United States. One step the government took in protecting people from asbestos was the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, or AHERA.

First, it is important to understand why it took such a long time to ban asbestos. Many people thought the ill health effects were outweighed by the beneficial characteristics of this material. Asbestos is a member of the silicate mineral family. As a silicate, asbestos has high insulating properties. Silicates are resistant to electricity, heat, flame, chemicals, as well as degradation. Additionally, asbestos itself is useful because it has both high tensile strength and flexibility, which makes it easy to add to other materials.

On the other hand, asbestos is now known as a human carcinogen. It was specifically linked to mesothelioma in the 1950s, and now we know that it can also cause lung, throat, esophageal, colorectal, gastrointestinal, and kidney cancer. Asbestos is not dangerous until it becomes waterborne or airborne, where you can ingest or inhale the mineral. From there, asbestos particles can become lodged in your body. Your body cannot break down asbestos fibers, so instead it may form nodules around them. These nodules can turn into cancerous tumors.

Thus, when people began to recognize these dangers, they started to call for a ban against asbestos. The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) was passed in 1986 as an amendment to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). TSCA was originally passed in 1976 to regulate the use of chemicals. AHERA was added to TSCA as its second subchapter. AHERA itself was later amended in 1990.

The purpose of AHERA is to give the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, regulative control over asbestos. The original AHERA authorized the EPA to phase out asbestos in schools, as well as train and certify people who inspect for asbestos. In 1990, Congress passed the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act, or ASHARA. ASHARA extended the umbrella of the EPA's control by allowing it to require certified workers who came into contact with asbestos in public and private buildings as well.

Sadly, many people were exposed to asbestos before AHERA and ASHARA came into effect. Thus, because mesothelioma takes an average of twenty years to appear, many people may still be diagnosed with this deadly cancer.

If you or someone you know has developed mesothelioma as a result of asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to financial compensation. For more information, talk to mesothelioma and asbestos lawyer from Williams Kherkher today.

Joseph Devine

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Massachusetts Asbestos Lawyers

Asbestos is a fibrous form of several minerals and hydrous silicates of magnesium. Asbestos is used in building-construction materials, textiles, missile and jet parts, tar compounds, paints and in friction products such as brake linings.

Exposure to asbestos fibers and dust results in asbestosis, a disease of the lungs, caused by inhalation of asbestos particles. After a latent period of 30 years or more, various cancers, especially lung cancer and mesothelioma, occur. They are diseases of the chest and abdominal lining. Most of the diseases caused by asbestos are not easily treated. Massachusetts' lawyers are legal advisors who fight cases for their clients who have lost their lives due to asbestosis.

Asbestos lawyers are devoted to defending the rights of clients who have been victimized by employers and manufacturers and have been exposed to asbestos exposure. Asbestos lawyers can be hired by a phone call or through the Internet services provided by the Massachusetts lawyer.

Exceptional cases receive extensive treatment and even qualify for a higher settlement. Before any settlement, the claimant should first approve of the settlement. The easiest way to find the right lawyer to fight the case is from colleagues or those who have suffered by working in industries where they were exposed to asbestos and have already filed a lawsuit for compensation. Some asbestos companies may be out of business or have filed for bankruptcy. In such cases the client can still make a claim.

Most of the Massachusetts lawyer companies have an entire department devoted to asbestos cases. They have a team of lawyers, whose combined experience provides the client with a high level of expertise in asbestos lawsuits. These lawyers are committed, experienced and passionate, in providing the most effective legal representation for their clients. Their dedication to excellence is reflected in the results they achieve for their clients.

Massachusetts Lawyers [] provides detailed information on Massachusetts Lawyers, Massachusetts Real Estate Lawyers, Massachusetts Divorce Lawyers, Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawyers and more. Massachusetts Lawyers is affiliated with Louisiana Real Estate Lawyers [].

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